Sunday, January 23, 2011

something interesting!

i wanna tell you something that makes me paid much attention lately, i just felt in love with cake. omg! i'm wondering to take some baking course, and i'll share it here someday, just pray for my another-interesting-dream! 

but, i have to buy some important things (ehmm..) seems i need much money for these interesting stuffs :(

first, i need this microwave-oven, i've check it, and find that SHARP Electric Oven SO-181 is the best for beginners. isn't it? (but why i just find the grilled chicken on the advertising of this oven, but it's okay, people choose it!)

second, this mixer is the must-buy item for making a cake. i just ask my auntie and she said, SHARP is the good choice for beginners, it's not too expensive.
(but i haven't check the price yet)

the third is "aneka loyang", i think i could bring it from my home, my mommy and my auntie have a lot of "loyang" and i think better if they bequeath those "loyang" for me. lol. ( I'll rob my mommy and my autie. HAHAHA )

another things i have to buy are "timbangan kue" and "sendok pengukur"

Omg, seems that i'll spend all my "chinese new year" money for those things. but, i think it's my dream, so why don't i fight for it?

dare to dream is dare to make it real!

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